“Progress comes from the intelligence use of experience.”_Swami Vivekananda.
From 24th feb to 27th Feb, 2014 a teachers’ workshop organized by VKSPV to train the teachers in various aspects of A.B.L. i.e. Activity Based Learning and A.L.M. i.e. Active Learning Methodology. The guest of honour of this workshop was Mr. M.P. Vijay Kumar, who is the man behind this ABL & ALM system. He is a retired I.A.S. officer and he is working as a project director of sarba Shiksha Abhiyan.(Tamilnadu)
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Dated 24th February,2014:- Programme Started with Tilakam and Registration of different teachers from Vivekananda Kendra Vidyalaya. Total 47 teachers Participated where for ABL 32 teachers had come and for ALM 18 teachers. The programme continued with a welcome speech, Introduction of the chief guest then the main objectives of the Vivekananda Kendra which had been told by Kamalakanta Sir. In between that time Vijay Kumar ji had also told about the ALM and ABL system which included its meaning and its objectives.
Session 1:- Session started at 6:30 p.m. with the introduction of the participants. During the session Vijay Kumar ji had told about the best teaching methods which a teacher should use in the class. Then an activity was given to the participants based on certain rules where the participants could not ask questions, could not copy from others and even they were not allowed to discuss the topic. Then again he had given the same activity to the participants and this time he had allowed them to ask questions. Then he told them to compare the two activity, though the 2nd activity was a bit better than the 1st one but still the participants were not able to draw the desired diagram. This was because though the participants were allowed to ask questions, they asked many questions at a time for which both the teacher and the participants were confused. The session ended at evening 7.50 p.m. This session was for ALM participants.
Date 25th February, 2014:- The day started with Pratah-smaran at 5.15 a.m. This day all the sessions were for ALM Participants.
Session 1 : - The session started at 9.15 a.m. where Sri Vijay Kumar ji had asked three questions to the participants which were (i) what we want from our students? (ii) Where do they stand now? (ii) How do we measure them? Different opinions had seen from the participants. Some related problems also shared with him. However, the resource person had also given some solution of those particular problems. Session ended at 11.00 a.m.
Session 2:- Session started at 11.15 a.m. with an activity based on picture reading and description of that. During the session Vijay Kumar ji had also introduced the concept of mind map and its various works. Session ended at 1.05 p.m.
Session 3:- Afternoon 2.15 pm. The session started with a demo class of ALM system done by Gyanendra sir who taught the subject Science. Participants were divided into groups and they were asked to make the mind map, summary of that topic and to frame relevant questions. After the activity it was cleared that students can learn better if teachers will use ALM system, Then again Lukumoni didi had also taken an ALM class of history which clearly said that through this ALM system students’ thinking capacity, imagination and creative aspects will increase more. Session ended at 5:40 pm.
Session 3:- Afternoon 2.15 pm. The session started with a demo class of ALM system done by Gyanendra sir who taught the subject Science. Participants were divided into groups and they were asked to make the mind map, summary of that topic and to frame relevant questions. After the activity it was cleared that students can learn better if teachers will use ALM system, Then again Lukumoni didi had also taken an ALM class of history which clearly said that through this ALM system students’ thinking capacity, imagination and creative aspects will increase more. Session ended at 5:40 pm.
Date: 26thFebruary, 2014- Day started with pratah-smaran and yoga at morning 5:15 am.
Session 1:- Started at 8:00 am with the observation of ABL classes. The session was for ABL participants. The resource person had gone to the ABL classes for inspection where different ABL teachers had taken their classes’ .He had also interacted with the students as well as the teachers. Teachers had discussed their problems with him and then he cleared all their doubts with a practical class. Session ended at 11-40 a.m.
Session 2:- The session started at 12:45 pm with different demo classes taken by the ALM teachers with the students of class VIII. Shri Vijay Kumarji observed the classes and given a good comment.
Session 3:- At 2:40 pm the feedback session of the ALM teachers had started where some teachers had shared their feeling and almost all teachers were agree to implement the ALM system.
Session 4:- Session started at 4:55 pm with the ABL participants where they discussed their problems with the resource person and to solve their problems Shri Vijay Kumarji had moved towards the ABL classes with the participants. The participants shared the problems of English and he tried to solve their problems. Session ended at night 8 O’clock.
Date. 27thFebruary, 2014
Session 1:- Morning 6 o’clock the session started with the discussion of mathematics where Shri Vijay Kumarji had trained the participants about how to use the mathematical kit. The session continued upto8-30 a.m.
Session2:- Then again at 8-30am there was a SALM i.e. Supportive Active Learning Methodology demo class taken by the participants of ALM in Class V. This methodology can only be used in Class V and VI. Shri Vijay Kumarji had also observed the classes and given some necessary tips to the participants.
Session 3:- again at 10:00 am the session started with the discussion of the subject Mathematics which include how to use the spindle board, beads etc. and the different concepts of mathematics. He also told to the participants to practice it.
Evening_Session with Kumarji |
Session 4:- At 1-30pm there was a common session for all the teachers both ABL and ALM and the topic of discussion was- “why ABL and ALM system are important for the students?”
Concluding Session:- At 4:30 pm the session started. Participants had shared their views on both ABL and ALM system as well as their experience in the workshop. VKSPV member Mira Didi had also join this session who really appreciated the workshop which given a good chance to the teachers to learn more about ABL and ALM system. The principal of Vivekananda Kendra Vidyalaya Laipuli Tinsukia, Pranati Didi had also shared her journey when she had first introduced the ABL system in VKV Tinsukia. At last Sri M. P. Vijay Kumar ji also shared his experience with the participants with lots of good comments and appreciation.
“We need to have three thinks: the heart to feel, the brain to conceive, the hand to work.”__Swami Vivekananda.
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