A day before Raksha Bandhan i.e. on 9th August 2014, our school students celebrated Raksha Bandhan by tying rakhi to various people. Teachers along with students went to different places like Hospitals, Medical college , Banks, Ashrams etc.  | 2_STUDENTS CELEBRATING RAKSHA BANDHAN |
 | 2_STUDENTS CELEBRATING RAKSHA BANDHAN | RakshaBandhan was observed in the school in the morning assembly on 11th August 2014. Students tied rakhi each other to strengthen the bond of sharing and caring between brothers and sisters. The Principal of the school spoke on the occasion emphasizing the importance of the festival, how it is celebrated since 4000 years . He also highlighted the fact that Raksha bandhan is celebrated all over India in the same tradition since ages.
wish you very very happy Raksha Bandhan my sweet sister Gauri.i wish this Rakhi comes in your life with new happyness.Make this Rakhi Memorable with Latest Festival.com